* Agenda & speakers are subject to change
6:30–7:00 AM
Registration, Breakfast and Visit Exhibits / Posters
7:00–7:45 AM
NASH Explored:
Emerging Concepts in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Nancy Reau, MD
Marcelo Kugelmas, MD
Industry Sponsored Event
Sponsored By Madrigal Pharmaceuticals
7:45–8:15 AM
Break and Visit Exhibits / Posters
8:15-8:20 AM
Welcome Back
Nikolaos Pyrsopoulos, MD, PhD
8:20–8:45 AM
Liver, Heart, and Lungs: Any Interaction?
Marc Klapholz, MD
8:45–9:10 AM
Fatty Liver Disease:
Detection by Non-Invasive Testing in 2023
Mazen Noureddin, MD
9:10–9:35 AM
Hepatic Encephalopathy: New Innovations?
Sammy Saab, MD
9:35–10:00 AM
NASH: Any Treatments Finally On The Horizon?
Mazen Noureddin, MD
10:00–10:25 AM
New Advances in Upper and Lower Motility Disorders
Anthony Lembo, MD
10:25–10:45 AM
Interactive Panel Discussion
10:45–10:55 AM
Break and Visit Exhibits / Posters
10:55–11:20 AM
What's New in Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Anthony Lembo, MD
11:20–11:45 AM
Decompensated Cirrhosis: When Can We Use Albumin?
Sammy Saab, MD
11:45 AM–12:10 PM
Minimally Invasive Weight Management
Kaveh Hajifathalian, MD
12:10–12:30 PM
Interactive Panel Discussion
12:30–1:00 PM
Break / Lunch
1:00–1:45 PM
Clinical Considerations for the Management of Overt
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Sammy Saab, MD
Industry Sponsored Event
Sponsored By Salix Pharmaceuticals
1:45–2:15 PM
Break and Visit Exhibits / Posters
2:15–2:40 PM
Advances in 3rd Space Endoscopy
Kaveh Hajifathalian, MD
2:40–3:05 PM
Liver Transplant Evaluation: When to Start?
Nancy Reau, MD
3:05–3:30 PM
How To Approach Cholestatic Liver Disease in 2023
Nikolaos Pyrsopoulos, MD, PhD
3:30–3:55 PM
Clostridioides difficile Infection: The Finishing Touch
Carl Crawford, MD
3:55–4:15 PM
Wilson's Disease: What Is New?
Nancy Reau, MD
4:20–4:40 PM
Interactive Panel Discussion
4:40–4:55 PM
Poster Awards and Presentations
5:00 PM
Closing Remarks / Adjournment